Friday, February 6, 2009

Hypocrisy of our so-called educated elites

This entry i never knew i will write.. Its the long suppressed, well sandwiched under denials that "it cant be true. u must be prejudiced" thought that has imploded. Right from the ages undated we have witnessed crass stupidity under the garbs of innocence or supreme pseudo-intellects pretending to shepherd the masses while serving their own personal gains. This is not something new. In fact if u can read this blog then you may also be closer to that world which lives as colors in rainbow. Boasting of having a unity in diversity, viewing everyone alike but in true sense as isolated and conspicuous by its distance as each color in the rainbow.

These people when they criticize everything about India are in a way trying to cry hoarse to the western world that they are in no way attached to the ongoing chaos and they can be considered elite and need not be considered third rated citizens. Numerous accolades to their name leaving no theoretical excuses for their ineptitudes to "set right" the system but still no ripples could be created on this water.

Even as i write this i am not doing anything for the failed system too... But what i am trying to say keep your embarrassments to yourself. Try to do something else leave it. Its an illusion to feel that the international plethora will accept you only if you cringe about your country.

1 comment:

Nithya Ravi said...

Height of using words learnt for GRE preps :P